About Dr. Susan Hatch

My Practice as a PsychoTherapist

When I first started practice as a therapist in the late 1980s, after completing my Science Degree in Psychology and my Graduate Diploma in Counselling I was trained a little in many models - I was a qualified Counsellor however, I often felt nervous and unsure about whether I was going to be able to really ‘help’ the clients seeking sessions with me. 

After a session, I would question myself about what I could, or should have, done or said differently. I was constantly looking for, and training in, new approaches, trying to find what worked best, and what felt authentic and real to me.


Training in Processwork

Finally, my training in Processwork began, and over the years it has led to a complete shift in my approach. Now my client’s own inherent change process brings all of the answers, healing, direction, energy and impact that my clients seek. It no longer has to come from me. 

During my training I worked on developing an open, curious and empty mind and a commitment to trust what was happening for my client in every moment as the carrier of the change. The founder of Processwork, my teacher, dear friend and long term therapist, Dr Arnold Mindell and my other wonderful Processwork teachers trained me in the skilled use of my various types of attention.

They nurtured my capacity to see and amplify signals, develop keen feedback awareness, and they also taught me how to see and work with my clients and my own ‘Edges.’ Eventually I learned how to allow the process to lead everything; I learned how to follow.


Training New Practitioners in Processwork

Since 1990 I’ve trained many people in Process-oriented psychology (Processwork) from different backgrounds and from all over the world. It has become the secret power that make so many of my past and present students extraordinary at whatever therapeutic, consulting, facilitating or business role they take on.

Full disclosure: learning how to follow the process is not a quick fix - it takes work and persistence - however to me, it is the only game in town. And it can be taught and it can be learned.

I am now taking the training that I have been providing for students for the last 30+ years online, so that more people from any location on Earth can learn to use Processwork in their lives and find the absolute ***MAGIC *** of following the process within themselves and within their clients.


Dr Susan Hatch is an internationally certified Process-Oriented Psychotherapist, and a member of the International Association for Process Oriented Psychology. She is a co-founder of Australia New Zealand Process Oriented Psychology.

Susan is also a long-time staff member of the Worldwork Seminars sponsored worldwide for the past 30 years by the Global Process Institute, and as a sessional academic in the Masters of Counseling program at Queensland Institute of Technology.

She has a private practice on the Gold Coast, Queensland, and works internationally as a facilitator, trainer, coach, and therapist with individuals, couples, groups and organisations.

Susan is committed to awareness, creativity, deep democracy, and loving relationships.